Painting in Amsterdam: Merging Art Classes with Museum Visits

"Painting in Amsterdam," often referred to as the "Venice of the North," is not just famous for its intricate canal system but also for its rich artistic heritage. From the Golden Age painters to contemporary artists, the city has always been a melting pot of creativity. While many come to Amsterdam to admire its art in museums, there's a growing trend of diving deeper into the art world. Through art education, hands-on experiences, and museum visits, one can truly immerse themselves in the city's artistic ambiance. Viator's art classes offer just that experience.

The Rise of Art Classes in Amsterdam

Historically, Amsterdam has been a hub for artists and art enthusiasts. The city's liberal mindset, combined with its scenic beauty, has always attracted creative minds. In recent years, there's been a resurgence in the demand for art classes, both among tourists and locals. These classes offer a unique blend of learning and experience, allowing participants to not just see art but create it.

Popular Art Classes Offered by Viator

Viator, a renowned travel agency, offers a plethora of art classes in Amsterdam. From basic painting and drawing workshops to more specialized sessions on sculpture and pottery, there's something for everyone. For those particularly interested in Dutch art techniques, there are classes that delve deep into the methods used by the masters of the Golden Age.

Exploring Amsterdam's Iconic Art Museums

While hands-on art classes offer a unique perspective, one cannot overlook the significance of Amsterdam's museums. These institutions play a pivotal role in preserving and showcasing the city's artistic legacy. The Rijksmuseum, for instance, houses a vast collection of artworks from the Golden Age. The Van Gogh Museum, on the other hand, offers an intimate look into the life and works of Vincent van Gogh, one of the most celebrated artists in history.

Diving Deep into the Works of Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Van Gogh

  • Rembrandt: Often hailed as one of the greatest painters in European art history, Rembrandt's works are a testament to his genius. His use of light and shadow, combined with his intricate detailing, brings his subjects to life. In Amsterdam, one can witness his masterpieces like "The Night Watch" and "The Jewish Bride."

  • Vermeer: Johannes Vermeer, though not as prolific as Rembrandt, has left behind a legacy that's equally significant. His paintings, often depicting everyday life in the Netherlands, are celebrated for their serene beauty. "The Milkmaid" and "Girl with a Pearl Earring" are among his most iconic works.

  • Van Gogh: Vincent van Gogh's life was a tumultuous one, marked by passion, creativity, and tragedy. His paintings, characterized by bold colors and emotive brushstrokes, are a reflection of his inner turmoil and genius. The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam offers a comprehensive collection of his works, making it a must-visit for art enthusiasts.

Benefits of Taking an Art Class in Amsterdam

Participating in an art class in Amsterdam is not just about learning a new skill. It's about enhancing one's artistic abilities in an environment that has inspired countless artists over the centuries. These classes offer a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the local art culture, understand the techniques of the masters, and even create one's masterpieces. Moreover, these sessions are a great place to meet like-minded individuals, share ideas, and even collaborate on future projects.

Practical Information for Enthusiasts

For those eager to embark on this artistic journey, Viator offers a seamless booking experience. The classes cater to a wide range of budgets and durations, ensuring there's something for everyone. Whether you're a beginner looking to dabble in art or an advanced learner aiming to hone your skills, Amsterdam's art classes have got you covered.


Amsterdam, with its rich artistic legacy, offers a unique blend of experiences for art enthusiasts. Whether it's painting a canal-side scenery, sculpting a masterpiece, or walking through the corridors of a museum admiring the works of the greats, the city promises an unforgettable journey. So, the next time you're in Amsterdam, don't just witness art – create it!

amsterdamMatias Puga